Author Archives for Terence Thean

Caprese Wreath

March 27, 2020 5:45 am Published by Comments Off on Caprese Wreath

Unfortunately you can’t wear these Caprese and Perino wreaths, but you can eat them. Make double, because they’ll be gone... View Article

Perino and Corn Salad

March 27, 2020 5:45 am Published by Comments Off on Perino and Corn Salad

We’re not corny, but we are amazing in this Perino and corn salad! This one’s so good, we’re pretty sure... View Article

Summer Perino and Asparagus Plate

March 27, 2020 5:46 am Published by Comments Off on Summer Perino and Asparagus Plate

Even though we’re grown inside, we’re the perfect summer snack! Try us in this yummy summery dish.

Perino and Chicken Lettuce Cups

March 27, 2020 5:48 am Published by Comments Off on Perino and Chicken Lettuce Cups

Let-tuce into this delicious lunchbox treat! Perfect for the kids when you’re all out of ideas.

Perino Gold Frittata

March 17, 2020 11:53 pm Published by Comments Off on Perino Gold Frittata

Just when you thought the humble Frittata was safe from Perino, think again! This delicious recipe with Perino Gold will have you drooling in anticipation.