Costa’s Pty Ltd Website Terms & Conditions

This website is owned and operated by Costa’s Pty Ltd ABN 002 687 961 and its related bodies corporate. These terms and conditions together with any additional terms, elsewhere on this site govern your use of this site and your access to any material contained on this site.

By using this site (including access by you from any stored source or cache) you acknowledgement that you are bound by these terms and conditions as amended and updated from time to time and displayed here.

These terms and conditions may have changed since your last visit and you should regularly check. If you do not agree with any of these terms and conditions you should stop using this site immediately.

Accuracy of information

Costa’s Pty Ltd makes no warranty or representation that the information on this site is appropriate, accurate, complete or up to date.

Your use of this site is entirely at your own risk and, Costa’s Pty Ltd will not be liable to you for any use of this site including any reliance information on this site.

Website Availability and Security

Access to this site is provided on an ‘as available’ basis and Costa’s Pty Ltd is not liable for any loss you suffer resulting from any interruption to or inability to access this website.

Some of the content on this site may be dependent on third party software or applications to view or access and Costa’s Pty Ltd does not accept any liability for your use of such software. Your security (including protection against malicious software and protection of your data and information) is your responsibility and Costa’s Pty Ltd is not responsible or liable for any malicious software downloaded while using this site.


The content, information and material contained in this site is copyright protected and Costa’s Pty Ltd reserves all copyright and moral rights to any material on this site.

You may only use this material for your own personal reference and (except for a temporary cache copy) you may not use, copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, store, create any derivative work of, modify, alter, convert to a different format, or otherwise amend, in any form or by any means in whole or part without the prior written consent of Costa’s Pty Ltd.

Some information on this site may be the intellectual property of a third party. Your access or use of any third party material may be bound by additional terms imposed by the third party.

Trademarks, logos, brands and other service marks

All brands, logo, trade or service mark or device (whether registered or unregistered) displayed on this site remain the property of their relevant owner including of Costa’s Pty Ltd and your use of this site does not entitle you to use any brand, trade or service mark or device without the consent of the owner of such material.

Third party links

This site may contain content, links, hyperlinks, URLs and other contact details or website information owned and operated by third parties. Any third party website accessed via this site is not part of this site and your use of such sites is entirely your own risk. Costa’s Pty Ltd is not responsible or liable for any material accessed at or through any third party site (including any transaction you enter into with any third party).

Applicable law

This site including these terms and conditions are governed by the laws Victoria, Australia and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of any Victorian court.

Map service

Costa’s Pty Ltd takes no responsibility for the accuracy of any maps or any information shown or contained on those maps. Your use of the maps, data or any other associated information is governed by the terms of use available at the following privacy policy.